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Case Summary

Mount v. Ormond

Mount v. Ormond, No. 91-cv-0125, (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 13, 1991). 

Starting in 1955, Charles Merrill Mount, the plaintiff, authored several books on John Singer Sargent, including acatalogue raisonné. In 1970, defendant Richard Ormond published a book on Sargent. In June 1990, another New York gallery issued a prospectus which included notes on a Sargent watercolor which was to be included in a forthcoming catalogue raisonné compiled by Ormond and Defendant Odile Duff. Mount sued Ormond and Duff alleging damages resulting from defendants engaging in a pattern of illegal racketeering, illegally controlling the market for Sargent's work through activity which included mail and wire

fraud,  defamation,  libel and
copyright infringement.

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