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Case Summary

United States v. Pritchard

United States v. Pritchard, No. 01-cr-147-PBT-1, (E.D.Pa. filed Mar. 15, 2001), aff’d 346 F.3d 469 (3d Cir. 2003).

In this criminal case involving a theft, a federal court of appeals was asked to focus on the definition of “museum” for purposes of invoking 18 U.S.C. § 668: theft of a major artwork.

In 1996, William B. Day founded the Hunt-Phelan Home Foundation in Memphis, Tennessee to preserve the 17th century confederate home of one of his ancestors, Lieutenant Colonel William R. Hunt. Day ran it as a tourist attraction open to the public. As curator of the Foundation’s collection, Day contacted Russ Pritchard, Jr., former curator of the Civil War Library and Museum in Philadelphia, to evaluate several objects in the collection. After visiting the Hunt-Phelan Home, Pritchard selected two Civil War uniforms. . .

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