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Case Summary

Camoin v. Carco (Affaire Camoin)

Trib. Civ. Seine, Nov. 15, 1925; DP. 1928, 2, p.89, note M. Nast; DA. 1928, 7 (Fr.).
Cour d’appel [CA]] [regional court of appeal] Paris, March 6, 1931; DP. 1931, 2 p.88, note M. Nast; S. 1932, 2 (Fr.).


This early twentieth century French case regarding work product that an artist discarded in the trash but which was found, restored, and resold by a third party is an early example of le droit de divulgation (the right of disclosure/publication) - the moral right in France of authors and artists to determine when and how their work may be made public.

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