This is a brief excerpt from the document you requested from IFAR’s Art Law & Cultural Property Database.

Country Summary for MALI

I.  Relevant Legislation
II.  Regulated Cultural Property

By the terms of this Law, ‘cultural patrimony’ means the collection of moveable and immoveable goods that, because of religious or secular characteristics, assume an important aspect of history, art, thought, science or methodology. (1985 Law No. 85-40/AN-RM, Art. 2)

By the terms of this Law, ‘moveable goods’ means goods that may be displaced without harming either the goods themselves or the environment. (1985 Law No. 85-40/AN-RM, Art. 3)

‘Immoveable goods’ are those that, either by their nature or because of their installation, cannot be displaced without harming the goods or their environment. … Notably included in these categories are sites, monuments, archaeological goods, historic and ethnographic goods, architectural groupings, artworks, rare collections or specimens of zoology, botany, mineralogy and any objects presenting a paleontological interest. (1985 Law No. 85-40/AN-RM, Art. 3)

Registry and Classification
Registration in the inventory consists of recording moveable or immoveable goods that belong to the State, to a local collective, to associations, or to private persons or legal entities. [The goods,] without having a justifiable immediate need to classify[,] . . . do provide a sufficient [artistic, historical, philosophical, scientific or technical] interest to render the property a likely candidate for classification. (1985 Law No. 85-40/AN-RM, Art. 7)

Registration in the inventory is pronounced by decision of an appropriate authority who shall notify the owner, tenant or occupant of the property. (1985 Law No. 85-40/AN-RM, Art. 8)

Classification is the action by which the State, through the registration of cultural goods into a specially-created register, imposes restrictions on said owner, tenant or occupant of the good by burdening its use or arrangements. (1985 Law No. 85-40/AN-RM, Art. 10)

A proposal for classification may be made by the appropriate authority, who shall notify the owner, tenant or occupant. (1985 Law No. 85-40/AN-RM, Art. 11)

A proposal for classification shall be null and void if it is not followed with a decision of classification within the following six months. (1985 Law No. 85-40/AN-RM, Art. 14)

III.  Export Restrictions

IV.  Ownership Rights and Restrictions

V.  Violations, Penalties and Sanctions

VI.  International Conventions and Bilateral Agreements
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Country Contact
for Cultural Property
N'Diaye Ramatoulaye Diallo
Minister of Culture
Ministère de la Culture, de l'Artisanat et du Tourisme
Cité Administrative
Bâtiment No. 5 - BP: E 4075
Bamako, Mali
Ph: (+223) 20 01 50 00