This is a brief excerpt from the document you requested from IFAR’s Art Law & Cultural Property Database.

Country Summary for NICARAGUA

I.  Relevant Legislation
II.  Regulated Cultural Property


….the following assets will be deemed part of our cultural heritage:
a)    Paleontological:  All fossilized organisms.
b)    Archaeological:  Any part, instrument, structure, remains, or vestiges that come from extinct cultures.
c)    Historical:  Any real or movable property that is directly linked to Nicaraguan political, economic, and social history.
d)    Artistic:  Any asset or object  that was originally used as part of some human activity and as such has real value in terms of Fine or Nicaraguan Art, whether it be visual, literary or architectural.
e)    Urban or Rural Complex: Any area within Nicaraguan cities or countryside that is deemed of cultural interest.
(Decree No. 1142 of 1980, Art. 1)

Any cultural asset within Nicaraguan territory that is contemplated in sub-sections a) and b) of the previous Article [Article 1], regardless of whoever may own or possess them, is part of the Cultural Heritage of Nicaragua by operation of this law and will be safeguarded and protected by the government.  Any asset contemplated in sub-sections e) [sic], d), or e) may not be deemed part of the Cultural Heritage of Nicaragua unless a written Statement from the Office of Cultural Heritage is issued, which must be conveyed to the responsible party. (Decree No. 1142 of 1980, Art. 2)

Competent State Agencies
The Ministry of Culture, by way of the Office of Cultural Heritage, is responsible for the maintenance and preservation of any item that is part of our Cultural Heritage. (Decree No. 1142 of 1980, Art. 3)


A Cultural Heritage Registry is hereby created as a public institution and will be part of the Heritage Office at the Ministry of Culture. (Decree No. 1142 of 1980, Art. 20)

Anyone who owns or possesses items of cultural heritage is responsible for taking an inventory and turning over these objects to the Heritage Office upon its request so that they may be temporarily exhibited to the public in Nicaragua and abroad. (Decree No. 1142 of 1980, Art. 12)

III.  Export Restrictions

IV.  Ownership Rights and Restrictions

V.  Violations, Penalties and Sanctions

VI.  International Conventions and Bilateral Agreements
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Country Contact
for Cultural Property

Instituto Nicaragüense de Cultura
Dirección de Patrimonio Cultural
Palacio Nacional de la Cultura
Managua, Nicaragua.