This is a brief excerpt from the document you requested from IFAR’s Art Law & Cultural Property Database.

Country Summary for MOROCCO

I.  Relevant Legislation
II.  Regulated Cultural Property

“Administration” means either the government authority responsible for Cultural Affairs, or the Minister of the Interior, or the Minister responsible for Regional Development, or the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform, or the Minister responsible for Community Facilities. (1981 Law, Art. 42)

“Immovable objects” include:
• historic and natural monuments;
• sites of artistic, historic, legendary or picturesque nature or relevant to the study of the past and the human sciences in general; and
• rock engravings and paintings, inscribed stones and monuments bearing inscriptions from tombs or other sources, whatever the period to which they belong, whatever the language in which they are written and whatever the lines or forms they represent. (Law 22-80, Art. 2)

“Movable objects” include documents, archives, and manuscripts whose archaeological, historic, scientific, artistic, aesthetic or traditional aspects are of national or universal value. (Law 19-05, Art. 1)


Items that are, by nature or by attribution, immovable, together with movable items, the conservation of which is of particular relevance to the art, history or culture of Morocco, may be listed or classified. (Law 22-80, Art. 1)


Registration and listing of movable and immovable property will be pronounced in an order of the government authority responsible for Cultural Affairs. (1981 Law, Arts. 4 & 7)


Movable and immovable property that has been registered will be listed on the register of the general cultural heritage inventory. (1981 Law, Art. 5)


Listing of private immovable and movable property will be preceded by a study mandated in an order of the government authority responsible for Cultural Affairs, published in the Official Bulletin. (1981 Law, Art. 12)

III.  Export Restrictions

IV.  Ownership Rights and Restrictions

V.  Violations, Penalties and Sanctions

VI.  International Conventions and Bilateral Agreements
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Country Contact
for Cultural Property
M. Abdellah Alaoui
Direction du Patrimoine Culturel
17 Rue Michlifen
Ph: +212 (0) 53767 1381 / 91
F: +212 (0) 53767 1397