This is a brief excerpt from the document you requested from IFAR’s Art Law & Cultural Property Database.

Country Summary for KENYA

I.  Relevant Legislation
II.  Regulated Cultural Property
I. Relevant Legislation
II. Regulated Cultural Property

“[A]ntiquity” means any movable object other than a book or document made in or imported into Kenya before the year 1895, or any human, faunal or floral remains of similar minimum age which may exist in Kenya. (2006 NMHA, § 2)

“[C]ultural heritage” means-
(a) monuments;

(b) architectural works, works of monumental sculpture and painting, elements or structures of an archaeological nature, inscriptions, cave dwellings and combinations of features, which are of universal value from the point of view of history, art or science;

(c) groups of separate or connected buildings which, because of their architecture, their homogeneity or their place in the landscape, are of outstanding value from the point of view of history, art or science;

(d) works of humanity or the combined works of nature and humanity, and areas including archaeological sites which are of outstanding value from the historical, aesthetic, ethnological or anthropological point of view;

and includes objects of archaeological or paleontological interest, objects of historical interest and protected objects. (2006 NMHA, § 2)

“Minister” means the Minister… responsible for the National Museums. (2006 NMHA, § 2)

V. Violations, Penalties and Sanctions
IV. Ownership Rights and Restrictions
III. Export Restrictions
VI. International Conventions and Bilateral Agreements

III.  Export Restrictions

IV.  Ownership Rights and Restrictions

V.  Violations, Penalties and Sanctions

VI.  International Conventions and Bilateral Agreements
Click here to subscribe to IFAR's Art Law & Cultural Property Database to access this and other documents about U.S. and international legislation and case law concerning the acquisition, authenticity, export, ownership, and copyright of art objects.
Country Contact
for Cultural Property
Primary Authority
S.L. Anami
Acting Director of Culture
Ministry of Gender, Sports, Culture and Social Services
Jogoo House, "A" Taifa Road
P.O. Box 30520
Nairobi, Kenya
254 20 228411
254 20 218811

Administrative Authority
Dr. Idle Omar Farah
Director General
National Museums of Kenya
Museum Hill
P.O.Box 40658-00100
254-20-3742131 254-20-3742161