This is a brief excerpt from the document you requested from IFAR’s Art Law & Cultural Property Database.


Oklahoma HR 1026 (May 22, 2015), Resolution directing the University of Oklahoma and the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art to conduct provenance research on certain objects; distribution.

Oklahoma HR 1026 (May 22, 2015), Resolution directing the University of Oklahoma and the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art to conduct provenance research on certain objects; distribution.


A resolution "directing the University of Oklahoma and the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art to conduct provenance research on objects in the collection and prior to acquisition of certain objects; directing certain resolution regarding objects unlawfully appropriated during the Nazi era; and directing distribution."
The resolution was passed specifcially in response to the case of Léone Meyer, a French-Jewish woman suing the University of Oklahoma for the return of a Pissarro painting looted from her family by the Nazis and currently held by the University's Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art. 

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